Mark Murphy

Film Director




Mark Murphy

Film Director




Tag: Film

May 30, 2023 Famous Singers And Musicians That Got Into Acting

Been thinking of a change in career recently? Well here are 3 famous singers and musicians that switched things up and moved into the acting industry instead.

May 30, 2023 Why Are Games Being Adapted Into TV And Film

Film adaptations of video games have existed since 1993 with the release of Super Mario Bros, and have existed on the home screen since 1982 with the release of the Pac-Man cartoon. These early adaptations primarily focused on a younger audience, but more recent adaptations are focused on an adult audience.

May 30, 2023 Why Cinemas Are Not As Popular In The Age Of Streaming

In today’s article, we will discuss the reasons why more and more people are beginning to use streaming services over going to a cinema.

May 18, 2023 How Horror Films Have Changed Since The 1980s

(Warning: May Contain Spoilers!) Today, in this article, we will discuss how horror films have changed since the genre’s peak…