Mark Murphy

Film Director




Mark Murphy

Film Director




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The 5 Most Iconic Film Directors Of All Time

The 5 Most Iconic Film Directors Of All Time


The film industry is one of the oldest and most popular entertainment mediums. Over time it has garnered a splendid catalogue of legendary directors who have revolutionised filmmaking. A film director plays a very vital role while making a film. They control all the films’ dramatic and artistic decisions. Also, they visualise the script (or screenplay) and give directions to the film cast and crew. Therefore, a film director is both an awarding and demanding role. This article will discuss 5 most well-known film directors of all time.

5 Best film Directors of all Time

Below are the top 5 iconic film directors of all time and the reasons why they stand out in history

#1. Steven Spielberg

One of the best directors of all time is Steven Spielberg. He is an American film director and is one of the most commercially and financially successful film directors in history. He has been directing vast genres from the 1970s to date. Spielberg is one of the founders of the New Hollywood era, working along with Francis Coppola and George Lucas. Furthermore, Spielberg has had likely the most notable influence on upcoming artists and directors over time. Some of his most famous films include; I wanna hold your hand (1978), Jaws (1975), Raiders of the Los Ark (1981), and Saving Private Ryan (1998).

#2. Alfred Hitchcock

Of all the famous film directors, Alfred Hitchcock is routinely noted as one of the iconic directors. He is well known for being the first director to use sound and experiment with 3D effects. Between the 1920s and 1970s, Alfred made about 50 feature films. Some of his notable films include; Blackmail (1929), Rebecca (1940), Psycho (1960) and The birds (1960). Alfred’s films are still popular up to today, which makes him more famous.

#3. Stanley Kubrick

Stanley Kubrick is one of the filmmaking best-known directors. He has worked with lots of genres from the 1950s to -1990s. Kubrick is an American director who has significantly influenced many successful directors, including Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese. His most notable films include; The Shining (1980) and 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). Even after his death, Stanley Kubrick’s films find an audience.

#4. Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese is another famous film director who has established himself as one of the most prolific film directors of all time. Martin specialises in directing movies in suspense, crime and drama genres. His most famous movies include; Mean streets, The Wolf of Wall Street, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver and The departed. Martin has won many awards, including 3 BAFTA, Oscar and 3 Golden Globes awards.

#5. Federico Fellini

Federico Fellini is an Italian director who worked from 1950 to the 1980s. He was a highly experimental film director who is best known for his surrealist style. Fellini has won many awards, and his talent is recognized worldwide. Some of his notable films include; La Strada (1945), Nights of Cabiria (1957), Roma (1972) and Amarcord (1973).


Being one of the oldest entertainment mediums, the film industry has amassed a spectacular catalogue of legendary directors who have produced iconic movies. The above are the top five most famous film directors of all time. However, many other well-known past and present film directors have also been as influential as those on the list.

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